Boost your business green credentials

CREST23 Sponsors and supporters

Surrey’s prestigious green business awards, the CREST23 Business Awards is fast approaching but there’s still to time to scoop up amazing summer deals as a supporter and gain some free marketing benefits for your company brand.

The climate change crisis is at the forefront for all business and policy leaders as well as your existing and potential client and supplier bases. By giving your support to CREST Business awards you can establish your brand as a champion of the green economy, supporting and enabling efforts to achieve the UK’s Net Zero Target.

At the same time, you can capitalise on the chance to network with like-minded peers. These include awards-day seminars by international specialists in environmental and social sustainability, the Green Business Exhibition and the awards reception.

In addition, there’s the opportunity to get involved with the CREST Awards programme year-round activity through its think tank, CREST Consortium, which works closely with the University of Surrey.

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